Wednesday, April 13, 2011

so many conversations!

Really? Two weeks since my last post? I’ve been having so many conversations, often thinking, “I should blog about this,” but it’s been too much fun conversing to write about them! Here’s a list of some of them, not necessarily in chronological order:

  • Carrie Catherine. We’ve been emailing about organizing a concert for her in the Calgary area and chatting about her song “Sunshine Baby” and a lullaby my mom used to sing, “Good Morning, Merry Sunshine.” I blogged about the songs here.
  •  Barbara Howe & her friend Yvette. Several months ago when I met Barbara, she immediately felt like a kindred spirit. Her book, Forgotten Voices, was uncannily parallel with my own research in women’s history. I suggested designing a website for her book, . She loved the idea. A few weeks ago on March 29th, I hosted an author night through Ambrose Bookstore, and Barb was on the roster. Delightful evening. She brought Yvette, of course, along with several others. On Monday, Barb & Yvette & I met for lunch and visited for over three hours! Discovered a neat connection to Yvette: a few weeks ago Kevin & I bought some filing cabinets from a guy who advertised on Kijiji. Barbara was telling me about Yvette’s husband, and the details sounded exactly like the Kijiji guy, who turned out to be Yvette’s husband!!! The world is not just small, it’s tiny!


I’m sure there are lots more, but that’s a snapshot for now.

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